Epilepsy Watch Time: 32 mins

touchEXPERT OPINIONS Can we reach our goals for seizure management in drug-resistant focal epilepsy?

Watch leading experts discuss aspects of the diagnosis and treatment of drug-resistant epilepsy, including up-to-date clinical data.

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Dr Christian Brandt
Bethel Epilepsy Center, Mara Hospital, Bielefeld, Germany
Drug-resistant epilepsy: What does it mean for patients?

Dr Christian Brandt discusses the burden of drug-resistant epilepsy and the challenges it presents to patients and clinicians.

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In this interview, Dr Christian Brandt answers the following questions:

  • How common is drug-resistant epilepsy?
  • How is drug-resistant epilepsy defined?
  • Which risk factors contribute to drug-resistant epilepsy?
  • How do recurrent seizures affect quality of life in patients with drug-resistant epilepsy?

Christian Brandt, MD, is Head of the Department of General Epileptology at Bethel Epilepsy Centre and Head of the Coordination Centre for Studies in Epileptology (KSE). He is a member of the Intellectual Disabilities Task Force in the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) and has authored/co-authored over 120 publications.

His scientific and clinical interests include pharmacotherapy of epilepsy, epilepsy and intellectual disability, and somatic and psychiatric comorbidities of epilepsy.

Dr Christian Brandt discloses: Advisory board or speakers‘ bureau membership for Actelion/Idorsia, Arvelle Therapeutics, Desitin Pharma, Eisai, GW Pharmaceuticals, UCB Pharma and Zogenix.

Dr Manuel Toledo
Vall d’Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, Spain
Current approaches to drug-resistant epilepsy: Have we reached our goal?

Dr Manuel Toledo considers current therapeutic approaches to the treatment of drug-resistant epilepsy and the impact of new anti-epileptic drugs during the past decade.

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In this interview, Dr Manuel Toledo answers the following questions:

  • What is pseudo drug-resistant epilepsy and why is it important to consider?
  • What is the standard of care in true drug-resistant epilepsy?
  • What are the challenges in managing polytherapy in drug-resistant epilepsy?
  • Has the increasing number of available anti-epileptic drugs affected epilepsy outcomes?

Manuel Toledo, MD, PhD, is a neurologist at the Vall d’Hebron University Hospital in Barcelona. He is the Secretary of the Epilepsy Group of the Spanish Neurology Society, member of the steering committee in the Spanish Epilepsy Society and of the Spanish Chapter of the International League Against Epilepsy.

Dr Manuel Toledo discloses: No financial interests/relationships or affiliations in relation to this activity.

Prof. Louise Tyvaert
University Hospital of Nancy, France
Optimizing treatment of patients who are drug-resistant: Is seizure freedom a realistic goal?

Prof. Louise Tyvaert reviews the importance and feasibility of seizure freedom as a treatment goal in drug-resistant epilepsy, with the latest clinical data on novel single-agent and adjunctive therapies.

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In this interview, Prof. Louise Tyvaert answers the following questions:

  • Can patients with drug-resistant epilepsy achieve seizure freedom?
  • When should patients be referred to a specialist epilepsy centre?
  • How does seizure freedom affect patients’ quality of life and mortality?
  • Do emerging agents increase patients’ chances of being seizure free?
  • What are the clinical implications of recent data on emerging agents for drug-resistant epilepsy?

Louise Tyvaert, MD, PhD, is a Professor of Neurology and Head of the Department of Epilepsy and Movement Disorders at the University Hospital of Nancy, France, and is currently Vice Dean of the Medical School of Nancy, University of Lorraine.

Her expertise includes epilepsy, clinical neurophysiology and general neurology, and clinical research in epilepsy and functional imaging (magnetic resonance imaging and electroencephalography). Prof. Tyvaert is a Fellow of the European Association of Neurology and has authored more than 70 publications.

Prof. Louise Tyvaert discloses: Speaker fees for Eisai, LivaNova and UCB. Consultancy for Arvelle Therapeutics, Eisai and UCB.

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Overview & Learning Objectives

In this activity, three leading experts discuss aspects of the diagnosis and treatment of drug-resistant epilepsy, including the impact of persistent seizures on patients’ quality of life, the challenge of treating patients with drug-resistant disease and the latest data from clinical trials.

Learning Objectives

After watching this touchEXPERT OPINIONS, you should be better able to:

  • Recognize the impact of recurrent seizures in patients with drug-resistant epilepsy
  • Outline the challenges associated with current standard of care approaches in the management of patients with drug-resistant epilepsy
  • Assess how emerging anti-epileptic drugs might address the unmet treatment needs in patients with drug-resistant focal epilepsy

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