Kazuo Fujihara, MD
Kazuo Fujihara, M.D. is a Professor in the Department of Multiple Sclerosis Therapeutics, Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine, and Director, Multiple Sclerosis & Neuromyelitis Optica Center, Southern TOHOKU Research Institute for Neuroscience (STRINS), Koriyama, Japan. Dr. Fujihara has mainly worked in the field of multiple sclerosis (MS), neuromyelitis optica (NMO) and related neuroimmunological disorders. He is a member of the International Panel on Diagnosis of MS (the 2010 and 2017 revisions to the McDonald Criteria), NMO (the 2015 International Consensus Diagnostic Criteria of NMOSD) and MOGAD (2022). Since 2013, he has served on the Executive Committee, International Medical and Scientific Board of The Multiple Sclerosis International Federation (MSIF), and the Board of European Charcot Foundation (ECF). He is an inaugural member and President (2018~) of Pan-Asian Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (PACTRIMS), President (2019~) of Japanese Society for Neuroimmunology (JSNI), an honorary member of The Association of Sri Lankan Neurologists (2012~), Indian Academy of Neurology (2015~) and Hong Kong Society of Multiple Sclerosis (2015~), an Editorial Board member of Neurology: Neuroimmunology and Neuroinflammation (2018~), Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders (2020~) and Neuroimmunology Reporsts (2021~), and Associate Editor of Frontiers in Neurology (section Multiple Sclerosis and Neuroimmunology, 2017~) and Multiple Sclerosis Journal (2019).