World Parkinson’s Disease Day: Living with the disease, treatment options and hope for the future
Dr Soania Mathur is living with Parkinson’s Disease and is a patient advocate, after having to stop practising medicine. For World Parkinson’s Disease Day, Soania talked to touchIME about how the disease affects her daily life, the challenges she has overcome and her hopes for the future. She highlighted that Parkinson’s Disease is a global disease with daily challenges and explained the importance of a holistic approach to treatment.
Dr Rebecca Gilbert (American Parkinson Disease Association, New York, USA) spoke with touchIME on World Parkinson’s Disease Day about the treatment options for this disease, the challenges of the non-motor symptoms and promising future therapies. Dr Gilbert explained that treatment dosing can become more challenging as the disease progresses and highlighted that the improved molecular understanding of Parkinson’s Disease is paving the way for new treatments.
The production of this video was supported by Touch Medical Media.