Delighted to interview our valued Editorial Board member Peter Goadsby (King’s College Hospital, London, UK), who shared his expert insights on visual snow syndrome and related updates presented at the 1st Virtual EAN Congress.
1. What are the clinical features and spectrum of severity of visual snow syndrome, and how was it first identified? (0:05)
2. What is the prevalence of this condition? (1:04)
3. What is known about the pathophysiology underlying this condition? (2:28)
4. How is visual snow syndrome diagnosed? (3:45)
5. What (if any) treatments are available and what research is ongoing? (4:09)
Speaker disclosure: Peter Goadsby has nothing to disclose in relation to this video interview.
Support: Interview and filming supported by Touch Medical Media.
Filmed at the 6th Congress of the European Academy of Neurology (EAN) and 1st EAN Virtual Congress, May 2020.