Our editorial board member and EAN Secretary General, Marianne de Visser (Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands), shares her expert insight into pregnancy and neuromuscular disorders.
1. How does pregnancy affect the symptoms of neuromuscular disorders? (0:05)
2. What are the implications of neuromuscular disorders and their treatments for the development of the fetus and complications of pregnancy? (1:20)
3. What advice would you give to women with neuromuscular disorders who are or wish to become pregnant? (3:28)
4. What advice would you give to physicians in terms of issues surrounding pregnancy and neuromuscular disorders? (4:30)
5. What are the major unmet needs in this field? (5:39)
Speaker disclosure: Marianne de Visser has nothing to disclose in relation to this video interview.
Support: Interview and filming supported by Touch Medical Media.
Filmed at the 6th Congress of the European Academy of Neurology (EAN) and 1st EAN Virtual Congress, May 2020.